NIH Looks to Kaiser Permanente for Latest in Stroke Workflows


Kaiser Permanente’s doctors are award-winning experts. That’s why leaders in government and business often look to them to share their deep experience and provide vital insights. Recently, Kaiser Permanente’s Dr. Ejaz Shamim, the Neurology Service Chief for the District of Columbia and Suburban Maryland, was asked to present at a meeting at the National Institutes of Health.

The National Institutes of Health organizes a group of leaders known as the Brain Attack Coalition (BAC). Their mission is to help set direction, advance knowledge, and communicate best practices to prevent and treat stroke. Intrigued by Kaiser Permanente’s innovative and highly successful Clinical Decision Unit (CDU) concept, the BAC invited Dr. Shamim to present his experiences managing stroke care inside Kaiser Permanente’s CDU. What Dr. Shamim showed is that the CDU’s innovative stroke workflows are proving to be effective and efficient. By quickly determining if a patient is presenting true stroke symptoms, or perhaps just low blood sugar, these workflows put patients on the path toward fast, appropriate care. Nothing could be more important, because time is a stroke patient’s most valuable resource.

Thanks to physician leaders like Dr. Shamim, Kaiser Permanente is setting a national standard for stroke care.

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