A Message from Kim Horn, President, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Mid-Atlantic States, Inc., and Dr. Bernadette Loftus, Associate Executive Director for the Mid-Atlantic States, The Permanente Medical Group
Starting today, Kaiser Permanente employees and physicians in the Mid-Atlantic region will begin receiving regular emails that highlight stories that showcase who we are and what we do.
Our hope is that this weekly compilation of stories promotes an even stronger understanding of what is happening and create connections across KPMAS. And we hope it helps us all better appreciate the amazing work happening throughout our region.
With the introduction of this weekly email, we will discontinue our monthly PluggedIn email. Our new email will serve the same purpose but in a more consistent, frequent and skim-able way.
The internal communications team is always looking for inspiring story ideas. You can submit story ideas and content by emailing Scott Weier (scott.weier@kp.org), Erica Chester (erica.r.chester@kp.org) or Susan Fiorella (susan.fiorella@kp.org) or by visiting the suggestion box on KPproud.
Thanks, as always, for all you do for our members, our communities and one another.