We are excited to announce that we have recently launched our Combo 10 and HPV immunization marketing campaigns in all medical centers, including posters, banners, brochures, and a magnet.
The Combo 10 campaign was created to supplement Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group’s targeted outreach to raise awareness of the Combo 10 vaccination schedule among parents of children ages 2 and under. The Combo 10 vaccines protect children against several diseases, including Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Pneumonia, Polio, Rotavirus, and more.
The HPV campaign aims to educate parents of adolescents about the importance of the HPV vaccine and its role in preventing certain types of cancer. The HPV vaccine series is most effective when given between ages 9-13 because it provides a higher immune response against the virus, compared to receiving it at a later age.
See more of the creative materials for both campaigns below, or look for them the next time you visit any of our medical centers.