Now that cooler weather is upon us, we wanted to remind all employees and physicians about inclement weather policies and practices.
When inclement weather is forecasted, please prepare ahead as much as possible. Leave home early, and be sure to verify the status of operations on the status line.
The status line provides information about whether or not medical centers and other facilities are open, or if services will be provided for a limited period of time. The line is updated regularly. Write this number down and keep it in a handy place both at home and at work.
To reach the KPMAS Employee Status Line call: 1-877-STAT-MAS or 1-877-782-8627.
We also have a KPMAS Member Status Line for our members to call if they are unsure if their medical center is open. That number is 844-549-0597.
Please take the following precautions to prepare for inclement weather:
- Bring home hard copies of emergency call trees and patient schedules (protect confidentiality).
- Take your Kaiser Permanente cell phone, laptop, charging cords, extra batteries, air card, and VPN token home (if you have them).
- Consider home supplies (water, flashlights, medications, non-perishable food, etc.).
- Ready your vehicle by maintaining a full tank of gas.
As always, the safety of our employees and our members is our top priority. Thank you for your incredible dedication to our patients.