A Message from Greg A. Adams to Kaiser Permanente’s Nurses

This month as the nation celebrates you, I want to express my personal gratitude and appreciation for the 63,000 nurses across Kaiser Permanente. Throughout our 75-year history, nurses have played a critical role in Kaiser Permanente’s mission — to provide hiqh-quality, affordable health care services and to improve the health of our members and the communities we serve.

2020 marks the 200th anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth. It is through Florence’s work on the front lines of a crisis, caring for injured soldiers during the Crimean War, that modern nursing was solidified as a profession. In the early 1900s, it was nurse Lavinia Dock who served at the front lines of the public health movement, devoting her life to improving the health of the poor, women’s rights, and the profession of nursing. And today, nurses are once again standing and leading at the front line as we face one of the largest health care crises in the world.

Against the current backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, your pledge to serve is unwavering as you care for among the sickest patients and protect the health of many others with caring, knowledge, skill, and wisdom. As caregivers, scientists, and researchers, your experience, expertise, and innovation will continue to play an important role as we lead through this crisis.

Know that Kaiser Permanente celebrates you every day, every month, all year long.


Greg A. Adams
Chairman and CEO, Kaiser Permanente

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