KP@IAD: Setting the Tone for High-Quality Care upon Arrival


Recently, Kaiser Permanente of the Mid-Atlantic States completed a new installation at Dulles International Airport in Washington, D.C. to raise awareness and familiarity of Kaiser Permanente within the region. With this high-profile and creative installation at a major international airport, Kaiser Permanente continues to boost brand awareness and reinforce its leadership position in health care and as an expert in healthy living.

At Kaiser Permanente, we have a mission to help people live healthier lives and thrive — for our members, of course, but also extending to the communities we serve. And that’s why we’ve created this special installation at Dulles International Airport. We believe better health can happen anywhere (even at a stressful, busy airport) so we’ve built lots of opportunities throughout the airport for healthy exercise and tips on wellness, for everyone to enjoy.

This installation at Dulles International is one more way that Kaiser Permanente is taking steps to bring healthy living to our area. You can be proud that your organization is committed to creating healthier environments where you live, work (and travel) — putting creative thinking to work at achieving those goals even in a busy, stressful place like an airport.

The new installation was also recently featured on WJLA’s Let’s Talk Live. Check out the clip here. If you have upcoming holiday travel through Dulles, or are welcoming friends or family to the region, be sure to check out the new installation and share your KP pride!


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