Nursing, a Family Tradition


Nurses’ Week provides a great opportunity to celebrate the contributions and dedication of nurses across the country. We were proud to honor many nurses during the week of May 6-12 and we want to continue that momentum throughout the year. We will continue to lift up moving stories of the professionals who care for members every day–stories like this one.

Rachel Fisher is new to nursing. In speaking with her, she will quickly share that Sarah Lesser, a pediatrics nurse with more than 32 years of experience, is the reason she went into the field. They work at our Gaithersburg medical center, often have lunch together and take walks to stay healthy. Rachel looks up to Sarah for many reasons. She is an exceptional nurse, a dedicated team member and she just happens to be Rachel’s mom.

This family brings two generations of care and compassion to our patients every day, maybe even three, as Rachel’s grandmother was a nurse and lives in the region too. We are fortunate to have Sarah and Rachel committed to caring for our members.

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