KP Community Program Manager Named Board President of Baltimore Healthy Start, Inc.


Congratulations are in order for Baltimore-based Community Program Manager, Regina Webb, who works to advance Kaiser Permanente’s mission by developing a variety of programs and workforce development grants in our Baltimore Service area. In addition to her work with our Community Health team, Regina dedicates her time and energy to serving as a board member for Baltimore Healthy Start, Inc., an organization that works to  address the needs of high-risk women and their families before, during, and after pregnancy. Most recently, Regina was named President of the Baltimore Healthy Start, Inc. Board. She will serve a one-year term, lending her time and oversight to the organization as they deliver critical programs and services.

The families served by Baltimore Healthy Start, Inc. frequently struggle to meet their most basic needs. More than one-third (33%) of the predominantly (98%) African American residents in the Baltimore Healthy Start, Inc.’s targeted communities live in poverty.

Regina steps into the role with several years of experience working on behalf of Baltimore communities. At Kaiser Permanente alone, she has coordinated high-visibility partnerships and events including Kaiser Permanente Day at the Reginald F. Lewis Museum, and she helped to develop student programs for Future Baltimore, a broader initiative to improve social health conditions for residents. Please extend a warm congratulations to Regina.

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