Kaiser Permanente Promotes Health Awareness at 2017 B’More Healthy Expo  


Employees from Kaiser Permanente, a lead sponsor of the B’More Healthy Expo, spent Saturday, March 18, volunteering and sharing their expertise regarding Total Health. Doc Broc was on hand to help greet nearly 5,000 participants who each received a Kaiser Permanente bag and stress ball for visiting the Kaiser Permanente Booth. In addition, 139 participants received blood pressure and BMI screenings. Kaiser Permanente’s Jennifer Facteau, LPPC and regional director of Behavioral Health and Prisna Anderson, certified personal trainer, were also on hand to provide information on mental health awareness; and yoga, respectively. You can see Facteau and Anderson in the following clips, promoting the B’More Healthy Expo. 

Jennifer Facteau, LPPC, regional director of Behavioral Health on BMore Lifestyle (March 13) https://youtu.be/iRbkKamdgzA

Prisna Anderson, certified personal trainer on Morning News Expo Preview (March 17) https://youtu.be/0MgSOOM3CLE


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