Kaiser Permanente Commits More than $1.2M to Local Community Organizations to Advance Health Equity


Kaiser Permanente has awarded $1,228,000 in grants to 19 community organizations and nonprofits in the second half of 2024 to advance access to healthcare and promote health equity in Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia. These recent grants reflect Kaiser Permanente’s ongoing commitment to address the social factors of health, which research shows accounts for about 80% of health outcomes and significantly contributes to health inequities.

Kaiser Permanente strategically selected these grant recipients for their dedication to improving health and advancing equity in the communities we serve by addressing the root causes of health disparities, such as access to health care, nutritious food, affordable housing, and economic opportunity.

“At Kaiser Permanente, we understand that one of the greatest predictors of positive health outcomes is access to safe and healthy places to live, work and play as well as equitable access to critical resources like economic opportunity, healthy food, and thriving schools,” said Cynthia Cifuentes, vice president of Brand, Communications and Community Engagement, Kaiser Permanente, Mid-Atlantic. “We are fortunate to have incredible community partners who work together with Kaiser Permanente to create lasting, sustainable solutions to the health challenges facing our community.”

The grants will support the following organizations and initiatives throughout the Mid-Atlantic region.

  • Community Solutions International, Inc. ($240,000): Resources will enable efforts to end chronic and veteran homelessness, promoting large-scale systems change and policy reform in Mid-Atlantic communities.
  • Volunteers of America Chesapeake & Carolinas, Inc. ($200,000): Resources will help establish a medical respite program in Prince George’s County to stabilize homeless patients with chronic health needs and connect them to permanent housing. This would be the first medical respite facility in the county, seeking to reduce hospital stays, prevent premature discharge, and reduce the risk of repeat hospitalization and/or mortality after a patient is discharged from the hospital.
  • FACETS Cares Community Development Center ($75,000): The grant will fund a Community Development Center in Annandale, VA, to enhance community safety, social connections, and relationships with police and social service supports.
  • Fusion Partnerships, Inc. ($75,000): Resources will go toward the Youth Equity Summit, a statewide initiative empowering youth through workshops and discussions on violence prevention, mental health, and career opportunities.
  • Greater Baden Medical Services, Inc. ($75,000): Support will allow Greater Baden to hire a bilingual registered nurse to address workforce gaps and improve healthcare access for underserved patients in Charles County, Maryland.
  • Prince George’s County, Maryland ($75,000): Funding will support the Mobile Integrated Healthcare program, delivering wellness and healthcare services to community members through paramedicine, telehealth, and care coordination.
  • Comprehensive Housing Assistance, Inc. ($50,000): Support will help address social factors of health for older adults in northwest Baltimore through home repairs, safety modifications, and housing benefits counseling.
  • Community College of Baltimore County Foundation, Inc. ($50,000): With this support, the Community College of Baltimore County will provide tuition remission and wraparound support for up to 50 students pursuing Certified Peer Recovery Specialist training, increasing access to behavioral health providers in the Baltimore area.
  • NOVA ScriptsCentral, Inc. ($50,000): Resources will expand healthcare support for refugee populations in Northern Virginia, including health literacy programs and the distribution of halal prenatal vitamins for 50 Afghan refugee women.
  • Shepherd’s Center of Northern Virginia ($50,000): With this support, the “Driving Older Adults to Better Health and Social Connections” program will increase rides and social support programs to help older adults in Fairfax County age in place.
  • Virginia Primary Care Association, Inc. ($50,000): The grant will fund the VCHA Community Health Scholarship for students pursuing graduate degrees in mental health at Virginia colleges and universities.
  • Young Men’s Christian Association of Metropolitan Washington ($50,000): Funding will aid in the expansion of the Y PRx program, addressing food insecurity and hypertension for 100 Virginia Hospital Center patients in Arlington and Alexandria counties.
  • National Coalition for the Homeless, Inc. ($30,000): Funding will expand the Lived Experience Training Academy, a virtual certification program led by people with lived experience of homelessness, to prepare them for leadership roles and policy advocacy.
  • Action in Community Through Service, Prince William, Inc. ($24,000): Funding will support the Wellness Through Housing Stability Program which aims to provide secure housing and improve overall well-being.
  • Neighborhood Companions, Inc. ($24,500): The grant will enhance capacity for volunteer transportation and social companion services for seniors in Greater Baltimore.
  • New Futures ($50,000): Support will strengthen health sciences and IT career pathways for New Futures Scholars, fostering academic success and financial stability for students pursuing careers in these high-demand fields.
  • Ambrose Housing Aid Center, Inc. ($24,500): The grant will support capacity-building efforts for safe and healthy aging in place for low-income homeowners in Baltimore City.
  • Maryland Reentry Resource Center, Inc. ($20,000): Funds will support the Driver’s Education for Economic Mobility program, improving access to transportation and economic opportunities for returning citizens.
  • The Loudoun Education Foundation ($15,000): Funds will support the Thriving Schools Initiative, promoting educational enrichment and student success in Loudoun County.

“Volunteers of America Chesapeake and Carolinas is working closely with Kaiser Permanente, along with a coalition of hospitals, non-profit service providers, and the county government, to establish a medical respite facility in Prince George’s County, building upon the success of our two ‘Hope Has A Home’ medical respites in the District of Columbia. Kaiser Permanente’s leadership and vision have been crucial to implementing this initiative, which, when up and running, will provide a safe place to heal for people discharged from hospital who have no safe place to recuperate, primarily because the patients are experiencing homelessness,” said Candace Vanderwater, executive vice president/chief operating officer, Volunteers of America.

“Kaiser Permanente’s grant will enable CHAI to keep low-income seniors in northwest Baltimore secure in their homes through home repairs, safety modifications, and housing benefits counseling, preventing displacement and decreasing hospitalization. We are grateful for Kaiser Permanente’s attention to the needs of Baltimore senior citizens,” said Lisa K. Budlow, CEO, CHAI, Comprehensive Housing Assistance, Inc.

Investing in health equity initiatives across the region is a critical component of Kaiser Permanente’s mission to improve the health of the communities we serve. In 2024, Kaiser Permanente invested nearly $2.3 million in grants to 38 community organizations and nonprofits across Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia.

About Kaiser Permanente

Kaiser Permanente is committed to helping shape the future of health care. We are recognized as one of America’s leading health care providers and nonprofit health plans. Founded in 1945, Kaiser Permanente has a mission to provide high-quality, affordable health care services and to improve the health of our members and the communities we serve. We currently serve 12.5 million members in 8 states and the District of Columbia. Care for members and patients is focused on their total health and guided by their personal Permanente Medical Group physicians, specialists, and team of caregivers. Our expert and caring medical teams are empowered and supported by industry-leading technology advances and tools for health promotion, disease prevention, state-of-the-art care delivery, and world-class chronic disease management. Kaiser Permanente is dedicated to care innovations, clinical research, health education, and the support of community health. For more information, go to about.kp.org.

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