Malika Evans, Director of Consumer Experience & HIMS receiving COVID vaccine from Colleen Byram, Employee Health Nurse As an African American woman, I know that there is a ton of apprehension surrounding getting the vaccine and I have had too many conversations to count with loved ones on whether to get the vaccine or not. Ultimately, I respect that getting vaccinated is decision that every individual must make based on their beliefs. For me, I decided to get vaccinated for my children, family, friends, team, and co-workers. We have all felt the impact of this unprecedented pandemic- some more than others. We cannot deny the profound impact of this pandemic on all level of society and the availability of a vaccine is a relief and source of optimism. It provides an opportunity to get back to some sense of normalcy. I choose science over fear and I hope that we swiftly get to a place where the vaccine will be made available to everyone and we all do our part to fight this pandemic together.