KPMAS Sponsors Artscape 2015 in Baltimore


Baltimore art lovers unite! Kaiser Permanente had the privilege of sponsoring Artscape 2015, which took place from July 19 to 21. The nation’s largest arts festival has featured many local artists and organizations since its humble beginnings in 1982, yet had a whopping 400,000 in attendance this year!

Kaiser Permanente was proud to show dedication to the Baltimore community by participating in this historic festival. KP developed the official Artscape 2015 mobile application, in addition to hosting several tents. Although some organizations set up tents indoors in performing arts venues and exhibition spaces, KP took it outdoors and kept patrons cool with complimentary misting stations.

But the fun didn’t stop there! Another KP tent featured a memory matching game, and volunteers encouraged attendees to take pictures with a Hons cut-out. The KP Spin Art tent allowed festival-goers to make colorful art powered by a stationary bike – taking KP’s total health initiative and adding a creative twist. Check out some of the colorful artwork and festival shots below!

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